Staying or being fit is one of the most important requests to oneself these days. With the normal work life you don't move around too much, and your body craves attention and a healthy amount of exercise. Beginner or not, you can always need some advice on how to do it better. Here are some basic tips that you'd better keep in mind.
As simple as that. We go to the gym also to keep our mind off things, but it doesn't mean you can do your exercises on autopilot. That is exactly the moment where you should be fully connected with your body – after all, it is a very important part of you. Let go off your phone, stop talking to your friend, and don't watch the TV while working out.
Be thorough
Easy to say and not to do, but it's essential. If your muscles don't work properly, you won't get any significant results even if you spend hours running on the treadmill.
Choose the right outfit
Not to post photos on Instagram, but to protect your articulations and muscles. Most important – get a good pair of shoes, that go well with what you plan to do.
Have a plan
If you are starting a project, you have a plan, the same thing here. Each workout should have it's logic. Give it a thought before you start, what will you do to warm up, what group of muscles will you focus on, and which programs will you use on machines.
Don't look down on cardio zone
It might seem not so effective to beginners eye, but treadmill and elliptical machine are your best friends when it comes to working out. Even if you use them only to warm up before pumping.
Keep your heart rate under control
Yes, cardio zone is all about making your heart do the hard work, but you can achieve your best treadmill workout only if you have a leveled heart rate.
Your heart is rushing, your muscles are working – give them help to do it better, you have to use your lungs fully. One of the best ways to see how it works is on the rowing machine – try breathing in when you are making a row, and breathe out when you go back for a minute. Then go back to breathing out when you make the effort, and breathe in when you relax, see the difference? That's what i mean.
As much as you need air, you need energy and inner balance. In a 40 minute of good workout – at least half a liter of water, and you'll feel like superman.
Make a pause
Don't go on working out just to have better scores, make pauses and you will see the effect sooner. Just a minute of walking between two sets of exercises will make it.
Have fun
That is a must. Because if you don't, than what's the point of it all?
As simple as that. We go to the gym also to keep our mind off things, but it doesn't mean you can do your exercises on autopilot. That is exactly the moment where you should be fully connected with your body – after all, it is a very important part of you. Let go off your phone, stop talking to your friend, and don't watch the TV while working out.
Be thorough
Easy to say and not to do, but it's essential. If your muscles don't work properly, you won't get any significant results even if you spend hours running on the treadmill.
Choose the right outfit
Not to post photos on Instagram, but to protect your articulations and muscles. Most important – get a good pair of shoes, that go well with what you plan to do.
Have a plan
If you are starting a project, you have a plan, the same thing here. Each workout should have it's logic. Give it a thought before you start, what will you do to warm up, what group of muscles will you focus on, and which programs will you use on machines.
Don't look down on cardio zone
It might seem not so effective to beginners eye, but treadmill and elliptical machine are your best friends when it comes to working out. Even if you use them only to warm up before pumping.
Keep your heart rate under control
Yes, cardio zone is all about making your heart do the hard work, but you can achieve your best treadmill workout only if you have a leveled heart rate.
Your heart is rushing, your muscles are working – give them help to do it better, you have to use your lungs fully. One of the best ways to see how it works is on the rowing machine – try breathing in when you are making a row, and breathe out when you go back for a minute. Then go back to breathing out when you make the effort, and breathe in when you relax, see the difference? That's what i mean.
As much as you need air, you need energy and inner balance. In a 40 minute of good workout – at least half a liter of water, and you'll feel like superman.
Make a pause
Don't go on working out just to have better scores, make pauses and you will see the effect sooner. Just a minute of walking between two sets of exercises will make it.
Have fun
That is a must. Because if you don't, than what's the point of it all?
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